Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Turkish Delight

All week I’ve been thinking about forgotten oscar-nominated actresses Candy Clark and Tuesday Weld…This made me think of non-oscar nominated, forgotten actor Brad Davis. He was in three gay movies that made me gay. Sybil (a TV movie, but who cares), Midnight Express and Querelle. In Sybil, Davis played the doomed love interest to Sally Field’s doomed, fractured gay man, Sybil. In Midnight Express he played a guy from Long Island who gets thrown in a Turkish jail for smuggling drugs. If that wasn’t bad enough, he has a hot shower scene with some dude I always thought was John Hurt. I think John Hurt is in that movie, but he has nothing to do with this hot scene of male on male tenderness that made me want to move to Turkey at the age of 12. Querelle is a shitty movie made by the über-genius Rainer Werner Maria Fassbinder. I’ve never seen Querelle but I know it’s über-gay. Fassbinder was über-gay. Brad Davis wasn’t sure he was über-gay…But Hollywood was sure he wasn’t. He got the AIDS and now he’s dead. Candy Clark and Tuesday Weld are somewhere in Los Angeles, I am sure…Why ain’t they making movies still? Meh, Rock Hard

Saturday, February 5, 2011