Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Hate Guest Critics: Cole Chickering

One of my favorite sites these days is Woman's Day  For me, it's the non plus ultra of these Tumblr sites the kids are doing.  I don't get it, makes no sense to my eyes, but what the fuck do I know...I have grey pubes and I'll soon need bifocals according to my Armenian eye doctor.
Woman's Day

I never met Cole Chickering.  He lives in Chicago or some place I visited 8,000 years ago.  If Cole lived in LA he'd hate me 'cause I'd follow him around and try to smell the youth that no doubt seeps from his every pore.  I hate him.  I love him.

Anyway, Woman's Day makes me cry.  Or makes me wish I could cry.  Look for Cole's smart-ass review soon.  Hugz, Rock Hard


  1. I bet Cole Chickering smells like youth and laundry detergent.

  2. Youth Laundry Detergent: It's new, it's young, it's CLEAN!
