Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Avec Tit

If you need some hardcore titty schlock, chock full of titties and guns and titties on teens with guns and bitches with guns who shoot the balls off dirty men who touch teen titty, then I’d say rent Lipstick and Eyes of a Stranger, cuddle up to your loved one and let your mind sink serenely into Hollywood’s sweet gutter. Lipstick has Oscar winner Anne Bancroft and Oscar nominee Chris Sarandon in a dirty gem that was supposed to be the breakout performance for a wooden and now quite dead Margaux Hemingway but actually paved the way for her now forgotten, once loved sister Mariel Hemingway. Both get raped by Sarandon but Margaux gets to shoot his balls off while running in the Geffin Design Center’s parking lot in a red dress. Eyes of a Stranger has so much tit, I almost went straight, except the site of Margaux Hemingway in a red dress and a rifle at the age of 11 made me gay for life. So, Stranger was supposed to be the big screen breakthrough for Lauren Tewes of Love Boat fame. Why not, right? But the big draw here is a quite young and newly titted Jennifer Jason Leigh as her deaf, blind, dumb but sexy sister who was raped as a kid and almost gets raped again by some serial rapist who’s raping everyone in this epic, blood by Tom Savini , rape/tit extravaganza. But the Love Boat lady (who did not show her tiny yams) shoots him in the head as he’s humping JJL, and during this JJL gets her hearing, sight and voice back in time to see that she, indeed, has tender breasts and proceeds to smear them with the dead guy’s blood…I got hard…With love, Rock Hard

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